Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

13 way monitized blog by Bahasa Indonesia

One of the most frequent question I get is: "How dapet money from the blog? Blog a language I can not dapet dollar?"

The first question is rather long answer. There are many ways to get money through blogging activity. Of course with the lawful and correct. Some articles Blogguebo perhaps can be a beginning to learn how to wash the money through your blog. Please open the archives to open the long-Tips Blog monetization and monetization Series Your Blog.

Second question the answer is short: can.

Yes, you can get money (both dollars and rupiah) with the blog in Indonesia.

13 The following is Mendulang Money With Blog Language Indonesia that perhaps you can consider.

1. Showing Ads PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Domestic
Currently there are at least 4 PPC domestic business in Indonesia, namely KlikSaya.com, KumpulBlogger, PPCIndo and IndoFad. With a publisher programs PPC domestic, you can display ads in India and get a commission (of the dollar) if the ad-click on the visitors to your blog. You can use the links below if you want to register PPC programs are domestic (do not worry, there is no link in my affiliate link).

Click here to register Adsensecamp.com Adsensecamp.com
Click here to register KumpulBlogger KumpulBlogger
Click here to register PPCIndo
Click here to register or IndoFad kliksaya.com kliksaya.com

2. Ad Showing Foreign PPC (only based CPM)
The second option is to display ads based foreign PPC impression. With display ads based PPC impression on your blog (yes, blogs can speak Indonesia), you will get a commission based on the number of ad impressions that your visitors see (not based on a visitor clicks). The more visitors to your blog, of course the larger the ad impressions that you get. PPC program or foreign-based CPM impression you can get the information through this link AdTalks.com.

3. Showing Foreign affiliate Banner Program
There are so many affiliate programs that you can follow. For more information, please go to your blog monetization: (3) Program Paid-to-Affiliate. Although not the best way, displaying a banner measuring 125x125 affiliate link at the Sponsor of your blog can be a selection of blog monetization Indonesia. If your blog visitors make a purchase through the affiliate banner link, you will get a number of commissions.

4. Banner display affiliate Domestic Program
In addition to foreign affiliate program, this program also has many domestic affiliate programs that you can take advantage of the facilities as the monetization of your blog. In the same way - displaying a banner domestic affiliate link - you have the opportunity to wash the money through your blog. Some managers have local web hosting affiliate program that you can follow and promote in your blog.

5. Writing Product Reviews affiliate (the text with your affiliate link)
One way to run affiliate programs (both foreign and domestic) the most effective is to write a review about the affiliate product that you want to promote your blog. Akan better if you already use and benefit a product that you promote. Amazon.com affiliate program and Commission Junction has a lot of products that you can review. Select a product niche and in accordance with the needs of readers of your blog, write reviewnya and if your blog readers to purchase products you recommend, you'll get a number of commissions.

6. Following Paid Program Review
The program is a paid review how other blog monetization of Indonesia. As the name suggests, as the publisher of this program you are asked to write a review products or services (in English) and will receive a commission on the review that you write on your blog. Yes, the Indonesian language blog (for some programs such as paid SponsoredReviews.com review, ReviewMe, Blogsvertise, BuyBlogReviews.com) can also register as a publisher program paid review. Even if your blog has a link ranking, Alexa, Technorati and PR (Page Rank), which is high enough, you may not get a commission that will be big enough for a review article. Currently you can also register the program paid the first local review in Indonesia, ReviewMu.com. For information program paid review then click monetization Blog You: (1) Program Paid-to-Review.

7. Displaying Google Adsense for Search
Constraints in Indonesia blog to display Google AdSense program is the prohibition of Terms and Services Unit to show Adsense Ads, Link Ads and Referral Ads in addition to English language blog. However, you can still display units Adsense for Search on your blog. Use Google Custom Search Engine (such as those in this blog) to get the search results according to keywords and site address that you want. Please also read the Tutorial Series Guide Sign up Google Adsense.

Click here to sign up for Google Adsense.

8. Selling Text Link Ads
Options blog monetization of Indonesia the other is to sell links on your blog. With the link, you have to do is provide a text link spot sites that want to advertise and get back links from your blog. The higher ranking link, Alexa, Technorati and PR of your blog, the more expensive price of the link that you can offer. Currently, many text link ads program that you can follow. Some of them are Text-Link-Ads.com, TNX.net, LinkWorth.com and TextLinkBrokers.com.

9. Spot sell ads Mandiri
Sell ad spots directly to those who are interested in advertising your blog is a blog monetization options in Indonesia at this time is even more popular. Although I like this require special strategies (such as how to get the advertiser), but if your niche blogs attract visitors with a rather large, independent ad revenue can not spelled out small.

10. Services to sell your expertise
If you have a particular expertise (such as web design, web programming, logo design, copy writing, or even skills-skills such as cooking, writing, translating), there is no one to promote your skills through your blog. In addition to private space as empty of ideas and writing, your blog can also act as a public relations tool that is quite effective to introduce your skills. So please look for the expertise which can be about you sell through your blog.

11. Digital Products sell your own work
Currently writing and e-book is not something which is difficult. If you have a particular expertise that you can sell, write it into an e-book and promote it through your blog is a brilliant choice. In addition to the benefits e-book sales, through the same blog you can also develop affiliate system so that visitors can promote your blog again e-book provides you with a reward.

12. Physical work product to sell your own
In addition to digital products such as e-book, physical products (such as t-shirts, cenderamata, gift / birthday gift, and even birthday cakes) you can also promote using your blog. If you currently have a business offline, no one tried to reach a wider market with the campaign online through your blog.

13. Being a Broker / Broker Services Others
Being a broker or intermediary services of others may also be the option monetization of your blog. Just for example, if you happened to live in the area of tourism (Bali or Yogyakarta, for example), you can offer in cooperation with travel bureaus or a small hotel Melati classmates to promote their services through your blog with a specific exchange commission. Akan better when niche your blog in accordance with the service that you want to promote. If your blog visitors to the hotel booking service bureau or travel, you get a certain amount in commission.

Well, actually there are many ways in Indonesia monetization blog is not it? So there is no reason to lose heart and reasoned that you can not wash the money through your blog just because your blog Indonesian

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