Jumat, 09 Januari 2009

5 tips for traffic Blog

" My Traffic drop this month. What?" "Ah, that many important traffic. crush Money sure." " My Traffic usually 10,000 per day, because of a sandbox so live 5000."

Conscious or not, we often see the "traffic" we blog purely as a noun. Just the numbers. No lives. Without feeling. In fact sejatinya blog traffic we are human.

Yes, traffic is also human. Not just the numbers. Not just data stats counter. Not just graphics that make you always want to mengeceknya 5 times a day. :)

Traffic and "human" (which you visit the blog) are two different things. You can buy traffic, but you can not buy the loyalty of your blog visitors. Traffic will be enough if your candidate search engine optimization, your blog visitors come because of benefit and feel your personal warmth. Traffic did not provide a link to your blog, visitors to your blog with the voluntary menautkan link to your blog. Traffic does not have a sense, a visitor to your blog smile, nod, heartbroken, angry or read any posts on your blog. Traffic does not register RSS, visitors to your blog RSS feel need to register your blog. Traffic is not commented, visitors to your blog comments.

Visitors to your blog is the pulse of your blog.

If visitors to your blog so important, whether you can do to in order to ensnare his heart back to your blog?

The following are the 5 simple tips on how to captivate visitors to your blog.

5 Tips You fascinate Visitors Blog

1. Visitors esteem Your Blog
If you want to captivate visitors to your blog, there is no other way except appreciate your blog visitors. If your blog is the home, the visitors are guests of your blog. Honor your guests. Be humble. Santunlah speak. Polite does not mean identical with "EYD", sometimes even too formal and rigid. Menulislah with your own style, although the style of the language even gaul, but usahakanlah to always polite. Last, never proud to visitors to your blog. Providing information on online business earnings on your blog is not at all the wrong things. However sampaikanlah information in a manner that is elegant. Do not make your visitors think that you are "showroom property." :)

Check Points:
- Be humble
- Use language that is polite
- Do not ever been proud

2. Give More
Yes, give more. Certainly does not mean that the money should be. Giving more can be given blog's content is truly useful. Something that can not be found in the other blog. Can also give you a have a good blog design with ease of navigation and the links that are required visitors to your blog. Giving more can also change the code with a no-follow your blog into a do-follow. Give "link love" to the visitors to your blog. And if possible, give free incentives (such as e-book form) to the visitor to your blog.

Check Points:
- Write content that is actually useful
- Make your blog design "different" between the blogs the other
- Give a referral link that required visitors to your blog
- Give "link love" for each comment on your blog
- Give free e-book

3. The Be Good Friends
When deciding to create a blog, you actually have decided to be even if only through the virtual world. Bertemanlah through the field comment on your blog. As much as possible (at least not yet mumpung your blog seramai blog Oom PRIYADI or Cosa Mas, which is always full of comments), return a comment on your blog. I often wonder to find blogs with 1 comments and itupun without reply. If you want visitors to your blog again, return any comment, help your visitors if you have any questions, or even a return even if only by giving thanks. If you become a member social media (eg MyBlogLog), the "Contact" and leave a private message to visitors to your blog.

Check Points:
- Try as much as possible reply to a comment on your blog
- Helps visitors to your blog if you have a question
- Be "Contact" visitor to your blog on MyBlogLog
- Leave a message on the personal social media visitors to your blog

4. This is the secret: Say caller's name
One of the subtle expressions that I like is this: most tuneful voice that people want to hear every call is their name. Itupun and apply for a visitor to your blog. If you reply to a comment on your blog, pastikanlah to write down the names of visitors who leave messages on your blog. Do not just with the greeting "Mas, Mbak, Oom or Bro." Write his name correctly (ejaannya, red). If you appreciate the name of a visitor to your blog, as a return visitor to your blog will appreciate you.

Check Points:
- Write the name of your blog visitors to comment
- Write the name correctly

5. Visit your New Friends
Pertemanan a relationship in the world online (virtual) is not different in the offline world with the (real). Exchange, sharing and mutual respect is the currency effect in the second world. If there is to visit your blog and comment, even though only one, usahakanlah to visit and comment on the blog back. Give only positive comments (yes, there is no use to give a negative comment for any reason if you really want to be sincere). Finally, usahakanlah mengunjunginya regularly according to the time you have.

Check Points:
- Try to visit the blog to comment on your blog
- Give positive comments
- Visit regularly

Again, blogging is not just data and numbers. Blogging is really about people. If you want to captivate visitors to your blog, there is no option other than treat it as a human being. Not just "traffic". The more you understand and appreciate your blog's visitors, the larger the award to your blog visitors to you.

So, let us begin to treat the "traffic" as a human being. Not just the numbers.

How do you think?

(Picture taken from Britannica.com)

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