Rabu, 07 Januari 2009


If you have a blog, has WidgetBucks you install on your blog (as in the sidebar on the left side of this blog)?

One month ago, Mpire Corporation, an online shopping services company founded by former executives and investors Ebay Paypal - Richard Rock - launched WidgetBucks, widget-based online shopping PPC or pay-per-click.

With base pay-per-click, meaning that you will get money from WidgetBucks any add-ons WidgetBucks installed on your blog by clicking on the visitor, no matter what happens or not a purchase transaction (the value per click is about $ 3 - $ 6 / CPC).

With the selection of products is quite varied and attractive appearance of the widgets, WidgetBucks can be an option to maximize revenue through the Internet.

If you want to join the WidgetBucks, the first thing you should notice is your blog must be in English. If you do not have, you can create a blog with a new English-language content on Blogger, WordPress, TypePad, or MovableType. After that you can install the script code in your blog WidgetBucks the Indonesian language.

To join the WidgetBucks is very easy. First, you can sign up here or through a banner WidgetBucks in the left sidebar of this blog. Second, select your own custom widget you want. Third, you install the script code in the widgets on your blog. If you use Blogger, WordPress, TypePad, or MovableType, you can simply click on the icon to blogs platform is to get the code WidgetBucks automatically installed on your blog.

Other interesting things that are offered WidgetBucks Referral Program. Through this program you can invite as many new members to serve WidgetBucks in their blog. WidgetBucks will give the commission of 10% of income members you get a referral. The more members of referral, the greater the value of your earning.

If you have a blog (either free or not) or site (either personal or commercial), there is no one to install and start WidgetBucks maximize your site or blog to get additional revenue through the Internet.

In addition to sign up for free, yet there is no display ruginya beautiful as WidgetBucks widgets in your blog or website

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